Dr. Salama the ChatBot was built to help Sudan's Federal Ministry of Health expand their response channels following the COVID-19 first wave. Over 14k citizens used the Chatbot during the first 3 months after launch.
As part of a greater community, we believe in relationships that involve giving as well as taking. So we love to give back when we have the chance.
2020 Eptikar was nominated by UNDP-Sudan for the UNDP Geneva growth stage impact ventures for SDGs.
Dr. Salama the ChatBot was built to help Sudan's Federal Ministry of Health expand their response channels following the COVID-19 first wave. Over 14k citizens used the Chatbot during the first 3 months after launch.
TASADAGSAH is 1st online donations platform in Sudan. It introduced card payments for the first time for both donors and local NGOs as an alternative for airtime transfers which had the disadvantage of 10-15% loss upon cahing-out.
For local NGOs in Sudan; obtaining good and affordable technology has often been a challenge. We built OpenNGO as an open-source web-based management tool for any NGO to help solve this while at the same time spread open-source love among the young and growing tech community in the country.
#Ask_Eptikar initiative was a series of social-media campaigns and AMAs to spread technology and open-source knowledge among Sudanese tech community members.
We supported a full media campaign for a local NGO blood donation initiative.
We supported a full media campaign for UofK faculty of science initiative called (Dinder Shall Rise Again) with the goal to raise public awareness on the environmental hazards facing the national park of Dinider.